Many people often perceive only the designed image, the text, the melody or the movement in relation to art. But being an artist, no matter what form it takes, is not a job, profession or activity that you start at 9:00 in the morning and hang up at 5:00.
Being an artist is a vocation, an inner attitude. An outlook on life!
Especially when acceptance and respect for artists seems to be waning these days, it’s your job to stand your ground as an artist and hold firm to your outlook on life.
Always remember:
Your success stay and falls with your inner attitude! Everything is connected to your perception, your outlook and your actions.
These 5 steps will support and strengthen you on your way:
1. Creativity
Creativity is the ability to transcend traditional ways of thinking & acting, to develop new and original ideas, methods or things.
► No matter what you have to deal with, you are creative enough to skip every single stone on your way. Always keep that in mind.
2. Faith
Believe in yourself, your art, your skills and your message.
► No matter what other people may think, say or even do. Unabhängig davon, was andere Menschen denken, sagen oder tun.
3. Resilience
Resilience is the conviction that everyone can master his own life by his own efforts.
► No matter what you may experience, don’t look for someone to blame, but look for a way out, with the firm belief that it can be walked on.
4. Openness
Openness means being open-minded and having the willingness to deal with people, questions, problems in an unbiased way.
► Never be afraid to learn new things – whether new experiences, ways, or an opinion different from yours.
5. Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset is the belief that defeats & mistakes are not failures, but opportunities. It is the intuition & certainty of being able to achieve anything if you face or train for all challenges & new tasks.
Always take responsibility by making fast and conscious decisions. Keep the destination in mind, not the path.
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Give your art a face!